• Strategic 3 year Plan

    Ennis Tidy Town’s Vision for 2021

    Ennis Tidy Town’s local committee launched the Strategic 3 year plan this week and have submitted this to the national Tidy Towns competition. This plan outlines the vision of the work that Ennis Tidy Towns hope to achieve during 2018-2021. Included in the document is a mission statement that will guide the delivery of projects during […]

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  • Don't Fume the Kids Ad

    Don’t Fume at the Kids Campaign Launch

    This week saw the launch of our ‘Don’t Fume at the Kids’ car idling campaign. Car Idling is where you leave the car running when parked. However did you know that this causes unnecessary air pollution as well as threatening kids/adults health? Car fumes have been linked to asthma, allergies, heart and lung diseases and […]

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  • Can It! Award

    Can It! Special Awards Submission

    ter the unbelievable success of last year’s Climate Action Award, Ennis Tidy Towns teamed up with the Ennis Chamber CE Scheme again this year to enter the Can It! Special Award. This award is about demonstrating that aluminium packaging can be a used as a resource and asks groups to give old beverage cans a […]

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  • Don't pick the leaf, just rub

    Tim Smythe Park Tree Trail

    We’re delighted to unveil our new tree trail in Tim Smythe Park for all to enjoy. Last October, we planted ten trees, and since then we’ve developed individual leaf rubs which allow kids to ‘rub’ the shape without picking the leaves off the tree. Discover the types of trees from the signposts in English, Irish […]

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  • Household Recycling lists

    Make a Difference – Recycling List Stickers

    One of the Ennis Tidy Towns flagship projects for this year’s TidyTowns Ireland awards was the development of our adhesive Household Recycling List with a uniquely Ennis design. We hope this helps educate Ennis residents and encourage recycling at home, school and work. This sticker came free with every edition of The Clare Echo a […]

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