About Us
Ennis Tidy Towns Committee was established over 30 years ago in an effort to galvanise the community to work together to ensure Ennis was not only a great place to live but to work in and visit also. Over the years the committee grew and forged alliances with the local town council, schools and community groups building a momentum that is in evidence today by the achievements of the local organisation.
The purpose of this website is to continue to communicate the Ennis Tidy Towns message – Everyone can contribute to their local environment. We hope to increase the awareness of the Tidy Town initiatives by using this website to alert members of the community about our activities and also hope to grow our membership further. We can all make a difference.
Help us achieve our Community Goals
Attractive Town
Get involved & help Ennis to be Ireland's most attractive town.
Local Involvement
Encourage active participation & involvement of groups & organisations.
Environmental Awareness
Promote environmental awareness, civic spirit & pride in the community.
Innovative & Effective
Create innovative & effective projects & initiatives with a view to addressing local challenges.
Value for Money
Ensure value for money through maximisation of resources & through effective & efficient delivery of services.
National & International Links
Create national & international links with other towns of similar size interested in environmental initiatives.
There are 19 members on the Ennis Tidy Towns Committee as follows:
Antionette Barry |
Claire Bhamjee |
Clare Colleran Molloy |
Mary Coote-Ryan |
Josephine Cotter-Coughlan |
JJ Counihan |
Brid Dilleen |
Bridie Frawley |
Patricia Frawley |
Anne Hanrahan |
Mary Howard |
Garry Lannigan |
Mary McAllister |
Cormac McCarthy |
Teresa McGrath |
Gerry Murphy |
Margaret Neylon |
Ann Tiernan |
Patrick Walsh |
The Ennis Tidy Towns committee is always looking for volunteers to help Ennis to become Ireland’s most attractive town. We have planned community activities and would like to encourage everyone to participate.
Volunteering will give you the opportunity to get out and about and feel involved in the community, to make new friends and to have a say in how Ennis should look.
To get involved, simply contact us using the details in the Contact Us page.
Ennis Tidy Towns would not be possible without the involvement and support of our many partners. These invaluable relationships contribute to the development of Ennis in many ways – culturally, aesthetically and economically. We are indebted to them.

Ennis Chamber operates a SOLAS CE project which provides vital support services to the Tidy Towns initiative and employs a number of people in community based projects to enhance the town. The Chamber also encofas-logourages their business members to support the various Ennis Tidy Towns initiatives. The local business community contribute generously to our annual fundraising appeal every year which gives us the scope to develop additional projects and increase awareness.

Like any voluntary organisation we are greatly dependant on our sponsors contributions. While we receive financial support from Ennis Town Council and Clare County Council we still require additional funds to allow us develop and maintain additional projects.
Ennis Tidy Towns would like to thank all those who have contributed financially through the years. This funding has provided us with the opportunity to develop a number of projects most notably our magnificent Sculpture Trail. It is evident that this initiative has greatly enhanced our town for all to enjoy and we look forward with your help to bring additional sculptures in the near future.
Funds received are channeled into the following projects:
- Sculpture Trail
- Drumcliff Graveyard
- Gum Litter Project
- Teen Litter Busters Project
- Additional Flower Planters
- Litter Awareness Projects
- School Projects
- Participation Competitions
- Clean Up initiatives
- Promotional material
Achievements & History
This recognition ignited a new motivation and interest in the Ennis Tidy Towns initiative. Much credit is due to the founding members of the committee who worked tirelessly to bring us to where we are today.
Many thanks to all involved throughout the years.
Joint 1st National Gum Litter Task
Force Award
Regional Tidiest Large Urban Centre
Gold Medal
County Award
Regional Tidiest Large Urban Centre
Gold Medal & County Award Winners
National and Regional Gum Litter Task Force Awards
Nomination for Tourism Award
Gold Medal – County Award
Gold Medal – County Award
Mid West Smart Travel Award
Gold Medal
County Award
Regional Gum Litter Taskforce Award
Regional Notice Nature Biodiversity Award
Ireland’s Tidiest Large Urban Centre
County Award
Gaeilge National Award
Regional Award Recycling Initiative
Best Bring Bank Category winner
County Award
Category G and H Building a Bilingual Society Award
Mid-West Notice Nature Biodiversity Award
Ireland’s Tidiest Urban Centre
County Award
Gold Medal
Regional Award
County Award
Regional Large Town Award
County Award
Regional Large Town Award
County Award
1st Large Town Pride of Place Award
Gold Medal Tidy Towns
1st Large Town Category
County Award
1st large Town Category
County Award
Regional Green Town Award
County Award
Joint County Award
40th Anniversary Special Award
Our Yearly Progress
President Mary Mc Aleese unveiling national Tidy Towns Award with Chairman of the Ennis Tidy Towns Committee 2005 Donal GriffinEnnis was awarded Gold Medals in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006. The pinnacle of the town’s success was in 2005 when Ennis was designated Ireland’s Tidiest Town.
Ennis could not have achieved this success had it not been for the commitment and hard work of all the voluntary, community and residential groups. Tidy towns is much more than just a competition. It allows people work together to make the most of their local environment and encourages community development. Many friendships have been formed as a result and people have a greater appreciation of what it takes to maintain their locality to the highest standards.
The beauty of the Tidy Towns initiative is that everyone can get involved and it is up to you how much time you want to spend helping out. It can be just the simple act of tidying up around your house, maybe painting a wall or doing a little weeding. If you wanted to get more involved you could organize a neighbourhood clean up weekend. This is also a great way to get to know your neigbours!
We all benefit from a clean and well kept town. So why not work together to make that happen and in particular try to get young people involved as it will give them a greater appreciation of their town and help instill some civic pride. We look forward to seeing you all in action over the coming months.
To find out more about the National Tidy Towns initiative visit www.tidytowns.ie